
Welcome to the Szentandrási Bajnok Magyar Vizsla Kennel webpage

I am Gabi Haluza-Komáromi, the founder of the kennel. With my husband and two teenage daughters, we live in picturesque Baj, next to Tata, at the foot of the Gerecse, where our kennel is named after the St. Andrew's vineyard. We are not just owners, but an active family that likes sports and trips, where our dogs - Deres and Masni, the two pumi, and Mango, the Hungarian Vizsla - are indispensable parts of our everyday life. We got to know the Hungarian Vizsla breed two years ago, when Mango entered our lives. Since then, we've grown to love this breed, whether it's participating in exhibitions or hunting, where Mango performs excellently. He is not only a dog for us, but also a family member and a great teacher who taught us about the personality, mentality and special abilities of Vizslas.

Since Mango regularly achieves good results at exhibitions and works excellently on hunts, we decided that we would like to continue to inherit this breed and Mango's excellent qualities. Our goal is to share all this knowledge with others and help promote the Hungarian Vizsla breed. We can proudly announce that we are planning Mango's first litter for December 2023.

Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to future contact, be it exhibitions, hunts, or just a simple visit to our kennel, where you can gain an insight into how we live with our dogs.

Best regards,

Gabi Haluza-Komáromi

founder of Szentandrási Bajnok Magyar Vizsla Kennel